Everything You Need to Know About Twitter Ecommerce Marketing in 2020

 Twitter was one of the first social media platforms I ever joined, but it wasn’t nearly as fancy as it is today. Now, there are a variety of features you can use to take your ecommerce business to the next level.

In fact, according to Twitter, its users are 2.7x more likely to purchase a product after seeing it on the platform. Partner with influencers and that purchase intent increases by 5.2x! Needless to say, Twitter can be a powerful marketing tool for your business, whether you’re new to the platform or growing steadily.

Without further ado, let’s walk through some strategies and examples to help you perfect your Twitter presence.

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Twitter Ecommerce Strategies

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Twitter Ecommerce Marketing Strategies

1. Design an eye-catching profile.

To start, your Twitter profile should be optimized to make a great first impression and eventually generate sales. To do this, you’ll need consistent branding across your profile layout, which means your cover photo and profile picture should be complementary and visually appealing.

The profile picture will likely be a picture of your logo or something that represents your business while the cover photo will further communicate your brand, mission, or message.

As for your bio, this section is like the elevator pitch of your business. Think of this section as another opportunity to spark interest in those who come across your profile. You can use keywords relevant to your business here for a more targeted approach. Also, don’t forget to add a link to your ecommerce site so people know where to find your products!

Lastly, you can use the pinned tweet feature to keep a tweet at the top of your profile. This feature is great for emphasizing a message or promoting new products.

Here is an example of a well-optimized Twitter profile from Away, a travel & luggage ecommerce company:

twitter ecommerce marketing strategy featuring away's eye-catching profile


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