10 Companies That Brilliantly Differentiated Themselves From the Competition

 "The three most important words in differentiating your brand: focus, focus and focus.-Marty Neumeier

Today's winning brands aren't playing it safe. They never say "that's how we've always done it." They know their brands are more -- way more -- than just a sleek logo or a cool website.

The brands who crush their competition are those who understand that strategic branding goes much deeper than pretty website visuals and responsive mobile design (as important as these things are to a user's experience). Branding is layered, sculpted, tested, and a reflection of what your customer needs from you -- not what you need from your customer.

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To create a layered, brilliant and competition-killing brand, three things must align:

  1. Understanding of your brand (internal beliefs and communications)
  2. Understanding of your best potential audience(s)
  3. Understanding & differentiating from your competition

In this blog post, we'll dig into the third point above.

To differentiate yourself from the competition in your industry, your brand must work with both an inbound and traditional mindset. Heads up: Those two concepts will come up in the product differentiation examples below. Now, what do these two things mean?

Inbound marketing has been positioned as the future of marketing, in that it pushes you to connect with your customers where they are and how they want to be talked to. Underneath, however, it's simply a modern tool in an otherwise long and well-worn tool belt: Your success on Google, social media, email, and similar digital marketing channels depends on the tradition and cultural relevance your business was built on.

It's your job to make that tradition easier, more fun, and better for your customers.

With that in mind, read on to learn how 10 brilliant companies are killing it when it comes to differentiating themselves from their competition.


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